Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Independence Day (1996)

It is an ordinary summer day. But then, without warning, something very extraordinary happens. Enormous shadows fall across the land. Strange atmospheric phenomena, ominous and mesmerizing, surface around the globe. All eyes turn upward. The question of whether we're alone in the universe has finally been answered. And, in a matter of minutes, the lives of every person across the globe are forever changed. With the fate of our planet at stake, the Fourth of July is about to take on an entirely new meaning. No longer will it be an American holiday. It will be known as the day the entire world fought back. The day we did not go gentle into the good night... The day all of us on planet Earth celebrated our independence day.
Production Status:
Action/Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Holiday and War
Running Time:
2 hrs. 25 min.
Release Date:
July 2, 1996 Nationwide
MPAA Rating:
PG-13 for sci-fi destruction and violence.
20th Century Fox
Production Co.:
Centropolis Entertainment
20th Century Fox
U.S. Box Office:
Filming Locations:
New York, New York, USA
Utah, USA
Washington DC, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
Produced in:
United States

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing movie.


Caleb Wickman